Girl on Fire

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Girl on Fire
November 13, 2013
Running time
Production code
Flash sideways
Centric character(s)
Written & Directed by
Also Starring
Special Guest Starring
Archive footage

"Girl on Fire" is the 31st episode of Wiksteria Lane.

Summary[edit | edit source]

Lynettefan continues to be troubled by haunting memories of his past woes, and of the role the shady Villain fan played in them. Meanwhile, the latter tries to overcome his fixation on his daughter, whose sickness turns to malice when she starts using her sexual libido to hurt those around her as much as she can. Renaboss is uncomfortable around Jdg, while the latter is uncomfortable around his father, who in turn starts to get a bit too comfortable around the sweet young Cat. Americana goes all in with her plan, and, against all expectations, it is up to Lady Junky to save the day.

Plot[edit | edit source]

A new day was starting on Wiksteria Lane. And days on that picture-perfect community - on the outside, that is - always started the same way. Tumbling out of bed. The stretching and the yawning. Making breakfast for the family. Enjoying those brief moments in the morning before the routinely dramas kick in. Which, in this community, never takes too long.

Lady Junky is making breakfast for the family, french toast. The small television on the kitchen counter is turned on, and The Wiki View is airing. Edie Rothwell fan7 tells the audience that she has a very special guest that day, so special in fact that she had to do a show in the morning. Rena comes downstairs and they greet each other with a long, passionate kiss. A happy couple. He then turns off the TV, for he claims to be annoyed by Edie. James comes downstairs as well and wonders what smells so nice. He is delighted by the lovely breakfast Lady has prepared, and jokingly compares it to the "crap" Rena usually cooks up. Rena does his best to be a good sport about this remark. Cat then comes down the stairs, wearing the Hello Kitty t-shirt and underpants she wore to bed the night before, with her earphones on her ears and singing, "This girl is on fire, fire, fire, this girl is on fireeeeeeoh..." Lady tells her to go and get dressed for school, and Cat is annoyed. James can't stop looking at her. Cat says she can't find her Hello Kitty ensemble, and Lady tells her where it is. Cat goes upstairs, passing by Jdg, who starts to walk more pausedly as he notices his father's stare. James then locks eyes with his son and turns to focus on his breakfast. Jdg greets the others, rather lowly. James eats his french toast in no time and excuses himself. Jdg starts up a conversation with Rena, wondering if he needs any help at the Mod Station that day, and Rena awkwardly tells him he doesn't, avoiding eye contact with him. Jdg picks up on this, to an extent, but doesn't make much of it. He then says, "Well, in that case, I... I guess there is something else I want to do today." Lady nods, as though she knows what it is. Rena doesn't take much notice. Jdg takes his platter and says he's going to eat it in the PM room, while watching TV. He leaves, and Lady promptly asks Rena why he looked so nervous and awkward around Jdg, in her special brand of fragmented English. Rena comments on how perceptive she is, and comes clean to her about what he found out: that Jdg used to be named JoséGuerri98, and two years before, he set fire to his old house and accidentally killed his mother while she slept. Lady is shocked. She asks why Jdg would do that; Rena claims to have a theory, but he'd like to do some more digging up. Lady says she can completely understand his reaction to Jdg's presence now, and Rena says, "Yeah, I mean... I've known him from the very first day I moved here. That kid, well, he's pretty much been my best friend, sometimes my only friend here, and... it just really goes to show how little you can actually know the people you're closest to, huh? I don't get why he wouldn't tell me this. And the fact that he didn't makes me worry about the kind of person he might be. Honesty is the most important thing between two people." Lady looks guilty when he says this. He kisses her on the cheek and tells her he's off to work now, wishing her a good day. He leaves.

It was all it took for Lady's day to take a dark turn so soon. After all, she loved Renaboss more than anything. She felt blessed and blissful to have him in her life, giving her love and support. But she wasn't being honest with him. And she knew she had to. And the harsh truth was, that she had to be honest with someone else as well, as much as it pained her... the father of her baby.

Lady goes to the burnbook to retrieve the pregnancy test she had used before, which she hid in one of the drawers, but when she opens the door she is completely shocked and disgusted by the sight of James 1234 masturbating on the toilet. She shouts, and James is caught off-guard, and tries to cover himself. She immediately shuts the door, shouting something in french, and rushes away. Jdg wonders what happened, and Lady tries to tell him, awkwardly. Jdg is disgusted, and worried. James comes out of the bathroom and apologizes for the embarrassing situation, and heads upstairs, out of shame. Lady starts to vent to Jdg: "No no no this can do any more, I, I'm sick, so much sex, so much masturbation, any more in this home!" "I agree, I completely agree, I totally agree," Jdg says, "We can't have him here, he has to go. Didn't you say at first he could just go to your father's house? Let's throw his ass out!" Lady gives him a surprised look... but then also a nod.

Devious Peep is watching The Wiki View in Lynette's PM room. Edie is chatting with her special guest, Gleekobsessed. "Now suga lolly, we were recently told by your wife - your wife, hem - that you were, how shall I put this nicely, a sausage crammer. Then you go and engage in sexual intercourse - don't I talk fancy - with a lovely, lovely young woman to whom you're not married. So where do you stand after all?" Gleek starts to tell her that the truth is, his wife and him have been having problems, disagreements, and he has filed for a divorce. She was bitter about it, and decided to spread a wild, untrue rumor on a public show. Edie gasps, as does the studio audience, and Peep, who says, "That lyin' hoe! I knew I didn't like her face." Lynette comes in and asks his assistant if she's finished the report he asked her to do. "Almost done, boss," she says. "Good, don't forget to send it to Judge Gliebe once you're done." He leaves, and Peep turns to I luv pll, who is sitting at her desk, typing on her computer by clicking one key at a time, while she looks for each letter. Peep asks her how the report is coming along, and Pll tells her, "I finish, I finish." On the screen we see she has written one sentence: "El reporto of las finances".
Lynette moves towards his study. He walks past his fireplace mantel, over which rests his father's shotgun, and heads towards an ambry. He opens it and takes out an old picture, of him, his late wife, and their daughter. He looks at it longingly.
Flashback - Villain fan is seen playing with the five-year-old MissMayfair on the floor of Lynette's old living room, while RandomRambler is seen cooking dinner for the family and the unannounced guests. Lynette and his mother share a private, tense conversation by the front door. Doc tells Lynette that he looks very good, that he's turned into a very handsome man, and Lynette asks her how she could come there unannounced and bring him with her. Doc's courteous smile disappears as she says, "Oh, sweetheart, not this again..." Lynette doesn't respond. She goes on to say, "Honey, Villain is such a great man, and we have been so happy for so many years, why can't you accept that?" "I have told you why..." "Oh, honey, that balderdash. You dreamt it. Or, you just, I don't know..." She puts her hands over his shoulders and says, "You... suffered through so much. At such a young age. Losing your father, and... well, it was just all too much for you. I should have been there for you more, gotten you some help, some therapy. I wasn't, I was reckless and negligent. You need to understand, it all took a huge toll on me as well. And Villain, well... once we got together, he helped me pick up the pieces." "Mom... he killed dad... and..." "Enough!" she tells him, with force, "I have been here for five minutes, Lynette! Five minutes! And in that time you've already managed to bring that... that contrived, made-up farse you've created in your head in my face. You want so badly to blame everything that happened on him, for whatever reason, but I can't... take it anymore, sweetheart. No one knows Villain like I do. I know what a fantastic, supportive man he is. And I know one day you will see that too. Now... if you allow me, I'd like to get to know my granddaughter better. I have missed the first five years of her life. I have to make up for that somehow." Lynette is almost tearing up, but does his best to hold it together. Not out of being moved, but out of frustration and anger. DocMD caresses his cheek and says, "I have missed you so much..."
Lynette puts the picture back in its place. He then heads back to the PM room and tells Peep he needs to go and drive around for a while, now that he's back to being able to do that again since his attack, and get things off his mind. Peep, eating Cheetos, tells him to take his time. He leaves, and Americana watches him heading into his car, and smiles with vileness as he drives off.

"Aw hell to the no! I feel so sorry for you boo. Don't you all feel sorry for him?" The entire studio audience on The Wiki View show sympathy towards that morning's special guest. Mary smiles with pride and amusement as she realizes that she used her sexual prowess to help someone's life get better. "My vagina should have a church and followers," she says. Meanwhile, Villain fan welcomes James 1234 into his template, albeit with some reluctance, and Lady thanks him for taking him off of them, saying that Rena's template is already kind of full. Villain says he'd do anything for them, and that James is welcome to stay for as long as he likes. As James brings his stuff into the template, he gives a menacing look at his son, who is shaken. Villain then walks James towards the guest navbar, Lady goes back home, and Jdg calls out for Mary, who turns the TV off and heads towards him. They greet each other awkwardly. A quiet pause ensues. He asks about her bruises, and she says she fell down on the stairs, but she's still drop-dead gorgeous. Then, Jdg breaks the ice by getting straight to business: "So... um... I saw what happened... with you and the Glee Wiki's president, Gleekobsessed. That, um... that came out of the blue. What were you even doing there? Backstage on an event premiere?" "I dunno," Mary says. "Right," Jdg continues, "It's just, I... I mean... Are we a couple?" Mary gives him a look, as though she finds this amusing. "Please don't look at me like that," he begs of her, starting to feel crushed. "Um, sorry, I," she says, "I dunno, I mean, you were gone for so long, and then you came back and you were all like, 'I gotta go kiss Rena's ass', so I like... you know, fuck it, right?" Jdg looks disheartened. "I didn't... I, there's, there was just so much going on, I, Balk dying, and my dad coming back, and Lynette, and the heart in the jar, and, and Americana, and a house full of people and people still look at me weird on the streets cos they think I'm a sex offender, I... I wanted to ease back into our... relationship, I just haven't had the proper time." "Relationship?" she scoffs, "L to the fucking MAO. We don't have a relationship." "Mary..." his eyes start to tear up, and she tells him, "Look, we fucked. I fucked you. I also fucked about two thirds of the people that live on this street. And now my thunder thighs have even crossed borders to the other wikis. I'm sorry if you thought there was more to it." "No, you're...! Rena told me you went to see me, in jail, after I was gone! That you told him you missed me! You like me, you really like me!" "Sweetie, um... this is getting pathetic, and... I was kinda watching something, so..." Jdg cries, in front of her. "Why don't you like me?..." he asks, meekly. She tells him, with a stern look, "Jdg, you're just a dumb kid, okay? And honestly? You bore me." She closes the door in his face, and he just stands there, crying.

"Well, that's been our show! Thank you all for watching. But before everyone goes home, well... why don't you all look under your chairs?" Edie says, and her audience members peek under their chairs and take out automatic carrot peelers. They cheer as they admire their gifts. Edie starts running around next to the audience and pointing at them and shouting, "You're getting an automatic carrot peeler! You're getting an automatic carrot peeler! You're getting an automatic carrot peeler!" She starts banging on her chest and shouts, "YOU'RE ALL GETTING AUTOMATIC CARROT PEELERS!!!" The audience thrives with excitement. Edie reaches out under Gleek's own chair and takes one out for him. "This one's for you, my brother, enjoy." Peep turns off the TV and says, "Damn, I've been meaning to get one of those. I should really sign up to be on this show." Americana then enters the PM room, knocking on the opened door and saying, "Knock knock," with a smile. Peep takes one look at her and says, loudly, "Aw hell to tha no you mofo bitch, you came back for another blow to the nose?" Amy says, "Actually, I'm waving a white flag. And I'm here because of our boss." She takes out two checks, and hands one to each of Lynette's employees. "You see," she says, "Lynette asked me to tell you that he's not been feeling so good lately, I'm sure you've noticed, and he'd like to be alone in this template for a while, to sort things out. But seeing how hard you work for him, he's decided to do that but not cut you loose. Instead, by rewarding you." Peep and Pll's eyes widen at the amount of zeros on the checks, with forged signatures of Lynette's, and Amy continues, "He's given you permission to go on vacation, using that money. To go anywhere you want." "Ay carajo," Pll says, "Me voy a Cuba!" Peep starts to jump up and down with excitement, "OMFG I've always wanted to go to Burton Latimer!!!" Amy smiles, and Pll starts to walk away to go pack her things, but Amy stops her, saying, "Pll, just one more thing, he wants to be alone alone, so he asked that, if it's not much, you find a place for the dog to stay." "I put el perro afuera in dog pound." "Good," Amy smiles. Pll heads upstairs, to her navbar. Peep then tells her rival, "Look, gurlfrend, I hope there's no more hard ground between us cos I slapped you, cos you just made my day and I could kiss your pussy for it." Amy smiles, with relative disdain, and says, with some genuineness, "Actually, I respect you a lot more now for doing that. But, do it again, and I will slap the black out of you." Peep gives her a wink, and Amy just continues smiling.

Renaboss stands outside the Moderation Station, waiting impatiently. James 1234 shows up, and asks why he wanted them to meet. Rena gets to the point: "Look, I know... I know what your son did. How he burnt down your old house, and how he... killed your wife in the process. And I have a lot of questions to ask. So... do you think you're up to answering them?" James smirks.

Lynette is seen sitting in his parked car, by the edge of a hill overlooking the Lostpedia, his new domain. He sits there, hands on the steering wheel, thinking, looking glum.
Flashback - Lynettefan2626, RandomRambler, DocMD, Villain fan and a relatively older-looking MissMayfair are having dinner, in Doc and Villain's house. Doc takes the opportunity to say that she is so happy that she and her son's family have reunited, and that over the last year they have spent so much time together. Villain fan nods, and Random tells her mother-in-law it has been their pleasure as well. "Hasn't it, sweetie?" Random touches her husband's arm, but he moves it away. He then gets up, picks up his dirty dish and heads towards the kitchen. Random excuses herself and goes after him. "Sweetie... it's been a year since they found you. They just moved here to be closer to us. Why are you still so miserable in their company?" Lynette starts to wash his dish. "Honey, talk to me," she insists. He turns to her, looking very frustrated, and says, "I told you that I hated them." "Yes, but you never told me why. You can't expect me to partake in the exercise of hating them when they've been so great to me, and to Missy, and you refuse to tell me what they did to you that was so horrible." Lynette doesn't know what to say. "Honey..." she tells him, "Come back to the table. Soon enough, Missy's going to have questions too. If you can't answer me, how will you answer her? Make an effort, I beg of you. Your mother and I have gotten so close, she's so sweet. Please..." Lynette looks at her, wipes his forming tears, and then, suddenly, leaves the house, without saying anything. Everyone is awkwardly silent for a while. Random is shocked. Missy asks where her father went, and Villain gets up and says that he has bought an exquisite cake for dessert, trying to divert her attention. He heads towards the kitchen. Random looks bad, and Doc asks her if she's okay, to which the young woman says, "Actually... I feel a headache coming, do you have anything I can take?" "Sure, sweetie. Upstairs, in my bathroom. Do you want me to show you the way?" "No, it's okay, I can find it." Random heads upstairs, disappointed in her husband, and looks for the bathroom. She walks right past the main one, unknowingly, and enters a smaller bathroom, presumably reserved for guests, but unused. She enters it and opens a cabinet. She looks between the small flasks and bottles of pills, but finds nothing of value. Then, she accidentally tips over a fake back in the cabinet. She is surprised, and takes it out... to be horrified by the sight of a heart in a jar, preserved in a fluid. What looks like a child's heart. Villain fan makes himself appear, and Random gasps at his presence. "The headache pills aren't here," he tells her, sternly. Random apologizes, stuttering, and he takes the fake back from her hands. She walks past him, quickly, not saying anything. He grips the wooden piece in his hands with strength.

James comes home, back to Villain's template, and finds Mary in the kitchen, having a snack. They engage in idle conversation, and Mary brings up the fact that she overheard his wife died two years before. James confirms this. Then, Mary says, "So... does that mean you've gone two years without pussy?" He looks at her with surprise, and she looks back at him flirtatiously.
Not long after, Jdg98 knocks on the door of Villain's template, and the middle-aged man answers it. "Oh, hello, Jdg. Do you need anything?" "Um, your daughter Mary sent me a text message, Mr. fan. So, I just came over, to see what she wants to talk to about." "Oh. Okay then. I, I didn't know you and Mary were friends, how lovely. She's upstairs, in her navbar, go right on ahead." Jdg heads upstairs and towards Mary's room... and finds her having sex with his father in it, the door barely shut. They are on the side of the bed. Mary has her hands on the bed, for support, as James takes her from behind. Unbeknownst to her, he looks at a family picture for motivation, a picture of her, Lady, Cat and their father, all together. One fourth of the picture interests him most. James has his hands over Mary's bare breasts as he thrusts from behind her, and she moans very quietly, so as to not get her father's attention and ruin things ahead of time. But then she looks up and notices Jdg standing there, with open-mouthed shock. At this, she starts to moan as loudly as she possibly can: "OH YES GOD YES OH MY FUCKING GOD YEAH YEAH YEAH WRECK ME O-M-G MY VAGINA'S ON FIIIIIIRE!!" Jdg quickly rushes off, before his father even notices him, and then Villain fan shows up to see what all the commotion is about, and finds the spectacle. Mary winks at her old man. He looks disgusted and livid. James notices him and says, "Dude, shut the door!"
Once the fornicating session is over and done with, Mary comes downstairs to find her father sitting in the PM room, hands entwined, waiting for her on the couch. He asks her if she is quite done disgusting him and blindsiding him in his own home. She tells him she has to yet to decide. "We can't do this anymore, Mary. It has to stop." "What are you saying, daddy? You want us to be in a monogamous relationship? I'm not a one-dick kinda girl. I like options." "I'm saying... that I don't want to have anything to do with you anymore. Not in a sexual way. Of course not. And not in a... fatherly way. I need you to go." Mary is stunned. "Go where?" she asks, to which he replies, "I don't know. I don't care. You can spend the night here. But in the morning, you and that man are both leaving." He walks away, past her. She starts to cry out of anger.
Flashback - RandomRambler comes out of the offices where Lynette works, at night, all alone, talking on the phone with her husband. "Lynette, where have you been? You've been gone for a day now, I've been worried sick!" she tells him, next to crying. "I'm sorry, sweetheart... I am so, so sorry. I never should have stormed off, and left you in that situation. I just..." "Lynette!" she interrupts him, "I think... I think you're right. I-I saw... I need to tell you something. I can't do this over the phone. Where are you?" "I'm back home. Where's Missy?" "She's at her friend's place, I'm coming back home." She hangs up, and proceeds to leave. She looks blatantly stressed. Unbeknownst to her, Villain fan was outside of her house, listening to her through the window. He looks on shadily as she enters her car.
RandomRambler almost makes it to the street where she lives. Lynette gets out of the house to meet her, and spots her car from atop the road. Random starts to drive down the steep slope, and when she steps on the brake, it fails to work. Random is horrified. She keeps hitting the brake, but it fails to produce any effect. Lynette is forced to dodge as she rams the car down the street, almost hitting, and loses control and drives it into a house's ground-floor balcony. Lynette watches with the utmost shock as this all goes down. He dashes over to his wife's car. The windshield has been crushed, and her body is trapped between the car seat and the balcony. She looks weak. "Random!!" He shouts for her, and she opens her eyes. She looks bloody, her body in an odd position. "Lynette..." she calls for him, with little strength. Villain fan rushes over, acting: "Oh my God what happened??!!" Random reacts to the sound of his voice, and Lynette barely acknowledges his presence, as he tries to pull his wife out of the car. Villain tries to help him. Meanwhile, the car starts to leak gasoline, which surrounds the back portion. Lynette is completely distraught. He asks Villain to call for help, and the middle-aged man distances himself and reaches into his pocket, taking out his phone... and a box of matches. Random tries to tell Lynette what she meant: "Lynette, I... Villain fan... he has a heart..." Lynette looks confused. "He h-h-has... a heart..." "I know," Lynette tells her, amidst sobs, "You were right, honey. He is a good person, I was just paranoid, I should have listened to you." Villain fan dials 911, as he lights up a match. He starts to talk to the operator, telling her what happened, and nonchalantly drops the lit up match into the stream of gasoline next to the car. It is set ablaze. Lynette jumps in time to avoid the flames hitting him, but he then looks on with terror as his beloved wife is surrounded by flames. She can barely move, and is almost about to lose consciousness, but the fire sparks a reaction in her, causing her to shriek with fright. "Random!! Random!!" Lynette doesn't know what to do. He moves towards the car to try and get her out, but Villain steps in, pulling him back, "No, son, you can't!!" The flames cover the car, and soon enough RandomRambler is immolated. She cries out in utter agony as the flames consume her. Lynette screams at the full force of his lungs as he watches his wife go up in flames. Villain holds him and says, "I am so sorry, son..."
Lynette comes back home. It's nighttime on Wiksteria Lane. He is surprised to find the house immersed in darkness, and calls out for his maid: "Pll! Where are you, did you make dinner?" Americana is hiding in the kitchen, holding Lynette's gun. She then impersonates Pll's voice: "Sí mister Lynette, I make you a good spicy caliente paella." In the hall, Lynette rolls his eyes at the idea of having to eat that dish again. Americana sneaks up behind him as he starts to go up the stairs, and hits him over the head with the gun. He is knocked out.

The night had come already. One more day had gone by on Wiksteria Lane, with its fair share of dramas. One could think the late hours would bring about more peace. Providing people with long-awaited and deserved rest after a stressful day that seemed to go on forever. One could think it was all over for now. It was just getting started.

Lady is in the burnbook she shares with her lover, looking at herself in the mirror. Rena comes in and tells her that she looks beautiful. "You have really healed nicely, thank God." He kisses her, sweetly. They then go to bed together.

Lynette opens his eyes. He sees that he is lying on his side, on his bed, with his hands tied behind his back and his feet currently being tied by Americana. He asks her what she is doing, to which she tells him, "I am officially parting ways with you. Had a good run working for you. But the time has come for me to move on." Lynette tells her not to do anything crazy, and she tells him that's not how she rolls. "I live for the spectacle." She then goes on to explain everything: "You see, right before I even asked you to make me your wife, the First Lady, I knew, I knew you'd turn me down. I just knew it. But I wanted it, so I had to ask anyway. I had to be sure. Think of it as a test. You failed. So, I did what any reasonable, logical person would do: I tracked down Jdg's father and told him where his son was. Then I made Renaboss suspicious of Jdg. Then, well, I planted a can of gasoline in their template. Now, I'm gonna set yours on fire. Killing you inside. But not before I rob you blind. And then, well, I just get the heck out of Dodge. Vanish. Off the face of the earth. I think there might be something nice about living out the rest of my days on some tropical isle." Lynette tells her the plan makes no sense, if she plans on leaving right away: "Renaboss already knows you framed Jdg once, if you disappear don't you think it'll be too obvious who did this?" "I never said it was a good plan, I just... I know everyone will ultimately know I did it. But in the meantime, and for quite some time, people will be suspicious of Jdg. There will be an investigation. He'll probably be jailed again for the harrassment claims, since he should be in jail as it is. And their friendship, well... Lynette, I want to kill you. Basically, this is revenge, for you not entrusting me with more power and perks. Whatever damage I can do to Rena's little family in the process, that's the icing." Lynette tells her she'll never get away with this, and she says, "Of course I will... I have my whole life, Lynette. It's what I do. It's why you hired me in the first place. Now, if you don't mind, I'm gonna empty out all your bank accounts. Transfer everything to me. As soon as I leave wikia, I trade in the badges for actual, real-world cash, and... bye bye Americana. Say hello to Emmy Lou Watusi or whatever name I start to go by." She leaves the navbar, after gagging Lynette.

It's late. Lady Junky opens her eyes, and looks at her lover lying by her side, fast asleep. She sneaks out of bed.

Americana has finished robbing Lynettefan, and heads back into his navbar. She starts pouring gasoline all over and around the bed. "You know, I actually considered being merciful. Putting a bullet in your head. But, alas, where would be the fun in that?" She removes his gag, saying, "Any final words?" "Fuck you," he utters. She smiles, and takes out a lighter. Then, the front door is heard being opened. Their attention is caught. "Lynette?" Lady calls from downstairs, which, in her accent, sounds like "lee-net". "No..." Lynette says. Lady pockets her keys, and Amy smiles, saying, "Oh, you gotta be fucking kidding me... too funny." She leaves the navbar, and Lynette promptly shouts, "Lady, get out, she's got a gun!" Lady is confused, and then she spots Americana, wielding Lynette's revolver, at the top of the stairs. Her eyes widen and she gasps, and then immediately runs to the side, into the kitchen, as Amy fires in her direction and misses, hitting the jamb of the front door. Americana then starts to come down the stairs, slowly, and chanting, "Dominique, nique, nique, s'en allait tout simplement, routier, pauvre et chantant... En tous chemins, en tous lieux, il ne parle que du Bon Dieu, il ne parle que du Bon Dieu..." She sings this, lowly, as she enters the kitchen, looking for the scared Lady. She is nowhere to be seen. Aiming the gun forward, Americana keeps looking around the darkened house. Lady, meanwhile, is now hidden in the PM room, right by the door, holding up a vase, shaking and trying to moderate her breathing, so that it remains inaudible. "Come on out, you little french bitch... I ain't got all night." Amy enters the PM room and Lady immediately smashes the vase on head, causing the troll to fall forward and lose her senses. Lady picks up the gun and leaps over her. She heads upstairs, quickly, and almost slips and falls on the gasoline Amy has already spilled on the steps. She enters Lynette's navbar. He is relieved to see her, holding the gun, "Oh, thank God! Are you okay?!" "Oui," she tells him, as she moves to untie him. "Lynette what happens?" "We need to get out of here fast, she wants to burn the house down." Downstairs, Americana quickly regains consciousness and sees that the gun isn't with her anymore. She feels the blood on the back of her head and looks livid. She then rushes to the study, where she knows Lynette keeps his father's shotgun. She moves to retrieve it, saying, "Oh yeah... come to mama..." Upstairs, Lady is having a hard time untying Lynette's hands. "It is so tight oy." They are both startled by the sound of the weapon being fired below, into the ceiling of the study. Pieces of the ceiling are heard falling. Lady asks what that was, and Lynette says, "She's got my rifle... Lady, you have to get out of here." "I can any leave you!" "Just go, be careful, and get help! Don't let her get you." Lady looks at him, with fright, and then gets out of the navbar, taking the gun with her. Americana goes up the stairs, saying, "Come on out, Lady... I got a croissant here for you." She enters the navbar, shotgun in tow, and Lynette tells her she has a lot of nerve grabbing his father's gun, the one thing he left him. "Well, I've had my eye on it ever since you showed it to me. I might just take it with me." "You're gonna pay for this..." "Bored now. Where's the chienne?" Americana pauses for a while, and then quickly looks under his bed. She then gets back up, looking disappointed, and says, "Oh. I actually honestly thought she'd be under there. Bummer." Lynette tells her, "Please... you don't have to do this, just leave her alone, let her go. You can kill me and get away before she even tells anyone, she has nothing to do with any of this." Amy sits down on the bed and tells him, very earnestly, "I'm sorry, Lynette... I have to kill Lady. She's prettier than me. But she's not gonna look so pretty when I pop a new hole in her face." She then leaves the navbar, leaving Lynette looking preoccupied, and shouting, "Lady get out!! Run!!" Suddenly, Lady shows up from her father's old navbar and points the gun at Amy's neck. "Drop weapon freeze you have right to silent!!!" Amy smiles, deliciously, and puts the rifle down on the floor, slowly. They stand before the stairs to the floor below. Amy turns around, to face the gun, and sees how badly Lady is shaking, nervously. "Well," she taunts her, "Do it. Shoot me." "No," Lady says, "I'm no mrudrer like you. You just stay quiet and I put rope on your hands and call Rena. If you don't, THEN I shoot you." Amy starts to laugh. "I'm sorry, I... this is just... I wish there was a sea witch nearby to rob you of your voice. Woman, you should NOT talk when you're trying to sound menacing. I've told you this before." "SHUTUP I SHOOT YOUR MOUF!!" Amy bursts out laughing. Lady, irritated, pushes her down the stairs. Amy tumbles over till she hits the floor, and Lady is surprised by her own reaction. She then quickly grabs the shotgun and heads back to Lynette's navbar. Lynette is surprised to see her again, and asks how she keeps beating Americana. "Good wins evil, Lynette. I wish you'd learn dat." She proceeds to untie him again, and is finally able to. They rush out, and as they come down the stairs Lady is confused to see that Americana isn't there anymore. Lynette now holds the rifle, and she's still got his gun. An open can of gasoline is thrown through a window into the hall, and the liquid pours all over the floor. "No..." Lynette says. The pair makes it out of the house to find Americana pouring gasoline all over the walls of the template. Several cans have already been emptied all around the house, and only one remains full. "AMERICANA STOP!!!" Lynette points the rifle at her. Amy grins. "L..." she says, picking up her lighter, "O..." She throws it through the window, with the fire on, "L." A huge fire starts up, rather quickly, and Lynette and Lady look on with horror as the home they once shared goes up in flames, inside and outside, while the troll laughs maniacally. Lynette shouts, and Lady starts to tear up. Americana's laugh grows louder and louder. The neighbors start to come out. Rena, Jdg and Cat exit their home, and Lady, when she sees them, rushes over to her boyfriend. "Lady what's going on are you okay??!" She quickly embraces him, crying, trying to recover from her frightening experience, and tells him, "Oh Rena I was so scared she's crazy!!" Rena tries to comfort her and asks why she has a gun, taking it from her hands. Villain, Mary and James come out. James says, "Awesome..." and Mary takes out her cell phone and starts to film the whole thing, the template going up in flames. Matt, Mirlo and Nosh join the crowd, along with other random neighbors, and Matt shakes his head when he realizes Amy did in fact go through with her plan. Lynette stands motionless, in front of his burning house, from a safe distance, as he watches it getting burnt down. Amy stops laughing and taunts him: "What are ya gonna do, Lynette? HUH?!! WHAT ARE YA GONNA DO??!" She turns back to the house and resumes laughing like a crazy person. Lynette moves slowly towards the can of gasoline next to them. He picks it up. Lady notices this and screams, "Lynette, no!!!" Americana turns around to receive a face full of gasoline. Lynette has thrown the content of the can all over her, bathing her in gasoline, and some of it even gets in her eyes and inside her mouth. She screams with horror as the liquid covers her. And then Lynette kicks her in the chest and she falls backwards into the house... The crowd gasps and young Cat screams out at the full force of her lungs at the public spectacle before them: the horrifying sight of a young woman going up in flames, screaming in complete and utter agony. Americana starts running around, flailing her arms and emanating raw screams of pain, and the people have to move out of her way. She runs over Lynette's car's hood and throws herself to the ground. She starts to roll around on the road, but the fire only gets worse. Cat starts to run away, as Rena pushes Lady and Jdg out of the burning troll's path, and Villain shouts out for his young daughter. Meanwhile, Mary continues to record the whole thing. It is truly a frightening sight, a house going up in flames on one side, and a woman going up in flames on the other. The fire burns through Americana's clothes, hair and skin, and melts her eyes. Cat tumbles on the sidewalk and falls over, and Americana blindly comes running into her. Crying and screaming, the young girl fears for her life. Villain shouts, and Rena immediately puts himself between the burning woman and the young girl, and shoots Americana in the forehead, using Lynette's gun. The troll falls backwards. Dead. The fire still eating away at her body. Villain picks up his young daughter, as she cries out of terror, and tries to comfort her: "It's okay, sweetie, it's okay, daddy's here, I got you, I got you..." Lady takes her hands to her mouth and cries. Rena starts to shake, uncontrollably. He drops the gun. Jdg moves towards him and says, "It's okay..." Rena continues shaking. "Rena, it's okay, you did good." "I didn't, I-I didn't even think, I just..." "You stopped her pain. You did good." As this all goes down, Lynette stands motionless on his front lawn, watching everything with an apathic calm. Everyone then looks at him. The whole neighborhood. At the man they just saw bathing a woman in combustible and kicking her into a fire. Lynette then snaps, as he realizes all eyes are on him, and says, "What?... What are you looking at?! Huh?! What are ya gonna do, huh??!! WHAT ARE YA GONNA DO??!! WHAT ARE YA GONNA DO???!!" No one says anything. The residents of Wiksteria Lane's titular portal just look on, in a stunned silence. Lynette turns back around to face his burning house, and tears stream down his face. His father's rifle lies on the ground.

As this day began, no one could have possibly guessed how it would have ended up. No matter how much drama they all expected from it. And on some level, they all did. After all, they lived on Wiksteria Lane. And there it was. A burning house. Crying people, and terrified people. A president having gone over the hill. And a charred corpse out on the road. Another night on Wiksteria Lane.