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Episode count
Also known as
Manner of death
Episode of death
Family members
DocMD - Mother
Villain fan - Ex-Stepfather
Julietfan2626 - Father
Reginafan2626 - Brother
RandomRambler - Late Wife
MissMayfair - Daughter
Lady Junky - Ex-Fiancée
Rockaboss - Pet
S1 - S2 - S3
I pride myself in saying I never had to resort to murder to get things done. But there's always a first time for everything...

Lynettefan2626 is one of the main characters and the main antagonist of Wiksteria Lane. Introduced as the powerful, relentless and vindictive bureaucrat of Wiksteria Lane, Lynettefan sees in newcomer Renaboss a threat to his position of power in wikia, not to mention his relationship to the beautiful Lady Junky, so he soon decides, upon meeting the young Portuguese, that he must destroy him, and he'll pull all the stops to make that so.

Biography[edit | edit source]

Early life[edit | edit source]

As a young man, Lynettefan married RandomRambler, and they had a girl, MissMayfair. Lynette's mother, DocMD, and her husband, Villain fan, tracked them down and imposed themselves on their lives, much to Lynette's chagrin. Eventually, Random discovered the child's hear Villain had been keeping and so he had to kill her. Afterwards, Missy ran away from home, only to be taken under Rena's wing. Lynette hired three goons, Matthew, Mirlo and Nosh, to track his daughter down.
Lynettefan2626 arrived on Wiksteria Lane deadset on moving up on its leaderboard, as fast as possible. To accomplish this, he spammed the wiki with images it didn't need to garner the points necessary to rise higher up on the ranking, to the point of eventually becoming the wiki's number-one contributor. UFO Editor, a fellow bureaucrat, learned about this, but covered up for Lynette, with the intention of giving him a second chance. However, Lynette's personal assistant, ImmaGleek, secretly sent the documents that detailed her boss' wrongdoing to UFO, with an ultimatum attached, leading the man to believe his best friend, DoctorStrange, the wiki's founder, was planning to turn them both in. UFO confronted Doc, and killed him in a fit of rage, only to learn the President would only rat out Lynette and take the blame for covering him up. Lynette then arrived on the scene, with everything having worked out to his advantage, and told him UFO to resign. He gave UFO the blood-stained letter opener he used as a murder weapon to constantly remind him of what he'd done. The following day, he was crowned President of Wiksteria Lane, and his first course of action was to demote KiMO, thus becoming the sole ruler of the community.
In addition to this, Villain fan, Lynette's old arch-nemesis, arranged for his daughter to become the man's fiancée, and therefore his eyes and ears on the inside, reporting back to him anything that Lynette might be up to.

Season 1[edit | edit source]

When Renaboss first arrives on the lane, Lynette greets him with a basket of store-bought muffins, claiming not to have the time nor the skill to prepare home-made ones. He comes across as charming and polite, albeit a tad eerie, and Rena picks up on this. It isn't long before the newest resident is informed of the President's dictator ways. Meanwhile, Lynette is somewhat intimidated by Rena's potential, as well as his chemistry with Lady Junky, and therefore vows to destroy him, to keep him from moving up on the leaderboard. The war thus begins, with Rena teaming up with teenaged Jdg98 and former bureaucrat UFO Editor to learn information that could help bring down Lynette, while the latter plots with his secretary and partner-in-crime, ImmaGleek, to defeat his enemies.
Lynette often uses his fiancée, Lady, to propose new measurements to his wikians, knowing she has the charm and appeal to win them over. ImmaGleek, meanwhile, pines after her boss from a close distance, jealous of his engagement and frustrated over the fact that he doesn't seem to retribute her affection. When KiMO becomes frustrated with his current inability to edit certain pages, due to having been demoted to a user without sysop powers, he confronts Lynettefan, claiming to know his best-kept secret and threatening to expose him should his former powers not be reinstated. Kimo actually low-key admires Lynette's way of handling things, so he proposes a partnership, that the two of them rule the wiki together. Lynette pretends to cave, telling the man he can have his powers back, but then kills Kimo, whacking him over the head with a candlestick, to the shock and chagrin of his bystanding secretary. Imma is left in a state of shock, but helps to dispose of the body and maintain the lie of Kimo's whereabouts with the man she loves, obeying his every command. They learn that the secret Kimo was talking about wasn't Lynette's involvement in Doc's death, as they'd suspected, but rather that he knew he'd cheated his way up the leaderboard. That is, however, until she presents him with a letter of resignation, promising not to tell a soul what happened, but defending that she can't aid and abet him anymore. Lynette, however, sees through her, and reminds his subordinate that she never had much trouble getting her hands dirty for him before, so he asks what this truly about. Imma finally professes her love for him, saying it's too hard to be around him but not actually be with him, and watching him engaged to someone else. Lynette lies, telling her he too loves her, and that he's only marrying Lady for political reasons, saying he couldn't possibly leave her now for his secretary because it would look bad for him. Thus, he puts in the extra effort to keep his partner-in-crime around, engaging in a romantic affair with her.
Unbeknownst to Lynette, his fiancée is also increasingly drawn to the new neighbor, indulging in fantasies about him and eventually kissing him. A guilt-ridden Lady decides to move up the wedding date to get it over and done with, which her fiancé becomes suspicious of, but doesn't question much. Meanwhile, Rena and Jdg decide to look into the sudden disappearance of Kimo, entering his template to look for any clues that could implicate Lynette. The President and his secretary, however, head back to the template, prompting the two heroes to hide, and Lynette discovers Jdg's flashlight, with his name on it. He confronts the young man about it, in his own template, offering to excuse him for what he did, so long as it doesn't happen again. At Lynette's home, Jdg finds his gun and takes it for himself, fearing that they might need to use it. As it turns out, this was Lynette's intention all along. Rena freaks out upon learning that the teenager stole a gun and demands that he put it back, but when Jdg goes back to do just this, Lynette finds him and addresses him by his real name, which triggers something within him, and prompts him to hold UFO Editor hostage in Rena's plain sight. The new resident tries to dissuade the kid from killing the former Bureaucrat, but Jdg is deadset on shooting him, believing him to be responsible for the death of DoctorStrange. When UFO admits that he did kill his best friend, Jdg goes to shoot him, but Rena lunges himself at the boy and gets shot instead. The bullet doesn't hit any vital organ, but Rena is still left to bleed out, with Jdg afraid of taking him to a hospital, should he later get arrested. UFO confesses that he killed Doc in a fit of rage, brought on by Lynettefan, and then shoots himself, willing to take the fall for shooting Rena and let Jdg get away scot-free. When Lynette arrives on the scene, Rena musters up all the strength he can to get up and punch him square in the jaw, before collapsing to the floor.
After UFO takes his own life, Lynette and Imma toast to that, to knowing that none of Lynette's rivals are around to potentially bring him down, and this is when we learn exactly to what extent Imma is willing to go to ensure her loved one's success, since she's the one who mailed the documents to UFO that drove him to kill his best friend, DoctorStrange, all to make sure Lynette would go on to become the President. Lynette then suggests that Imma speed dial Americana to bring her on board and help take down the new potential threat, Renaboss.

Season 2[edit | edit source]

Lynettefan hires professional troll Americana to find a way to get Rena and Jdg out of his life, even giving her a template from which to execute her mission. As Rena recovers from his gunshot wound, he learns he has terminal pancreatic cancer. However, this is Amy's first course of action, for she threatened Dr. Sonya into telling Rena just this, leading the hero to believe he's slowly dying. ImmaGleek continues to love Lynette from a close distance, while it is revealed that Lady is only with Lynette under the instructions of her father, former Bureaucrat Villain fan, with whom Lynette has a troubled past. Still, Lynette welcomes both Villain and his newfound daughter, MaryPierceLopez, back to the lane. Lady is instructed by her father to lose her virginity to Lynette, so they have sexual intercourse for the first time, but she is sorely disappointed, having had a different idea all along of what making love should be like. Unbeknownst to her, Mary has also set her sights on Lynette. Imma snaps pictures of Rena and Lady kissing and shares them with Lynette, who cries with sadness and anger. He suggests to Lady that they get away for a romantic evening in his cabin in the woods, an idea she responds positively too, and then tells Imma she intends to kill his fiancée there, feeling utterly betrayed, and will need his secretary's help to dispose of the body. When the evening comes, Lynette and Lady share the so-called romantic dinner, but at the end of the meal Lynette confronts her with the pictures. Lady tries to apologize, and is surprised to see Imma showing up at the cabin, claiming to be there to clean up the mess. Lynette takes out his gun and points it at Lady, telling her she needs to learn a lesson, but then turns around and shoots Imma dead, much to his fiancée's shock. He admits to her that he can't let her go, for it would damage his political career, and if he didn't, Imma would turn on him, for she knows too much, so this was the only way to handle her, and to teach Lady what he does to those who wrong him.
Later, Americana applies for the position of Lynette's secretary, or even the one of Chat Mod, but Lynette claims not to be interested, since he trusts that Amy is a professional troll, but he doesn't trust her per se. Mary seduces Lynette and they have sex, which Lady immediately sees, before running out and incidentally meeting ImmaGleek's twin sister, Regemma, who has just arrived on the lane. When Rena runs for the position of Chat Moderator against Americana, the deciding vote is attributed to Lynette, who chooses Rena, to everyone's surprise. As it turns out, this goes along greatly with Amy's plan to accuse Jdg of having harassed her, the very thing she was setting up when she accessed his computer. Rena is forced to play his part and arrest the young man, who is tried and charged by Lynette. Rena puts him in jail, but feels guilty about it, especially after Jdg attempts to end his own life. Rena lets him out and makes it seem like he attacked him and ran away.
Lynette introduces himself to Regemma, who becomes privy to the fact that he killed her sister, and showcases a passive-aggressive demeanor. Americana keeps pushing to become secretary, which forces Lynette to take a definitive stand and fire her, as well as ban her from the lane. Amy decides to retaliate by stealing a machine gun and ammo, intending to cause a great big deal of damage with it.
Before the wedding, Lynette receives a surprise visit from his mother, the sweet-natured DocMD, whom he forbids from attending the ceremony. At the church, Lynette is informed by Villain that Lady isn't coming, for she got cold feet. A video of ImmaGleek starts playing in which the deceased secretary makes clear that she will ruin her boss' big day, even from beyond the grave. Lynette makes it out of the church just in time to avoid getting caught in its explosive destruction, as Imma had stolen bombs from the Community Center to blow it up, should the event go according to plan. Lynette watches as his portal's church collapses amidst the flames, and he doesn't look like he cares much, instead being more rattled by seeing Lady with Rena.

Season 3[edit | edit source]

After the church's explosion, Lynettefan is confronted by the Presidents of the Glee Wiki and the Lostpedia, Gleekobsessed and BalkOfFame, respectively. He appears to be undergoing a minor psychotic breakdown, and announces to the two men that in six months time he will be the President of all three major wikis. Afterwards, when Lady Junky goes back home to collect her belongings so that she may move out, Lynette violently rapes her.
Rena and Mary uncover the bodies of DoctorStrange and Kimo, so Lynette is forced to pin not only Kimo's murder but the church explosion on BalkOfFame, using the help of Americana and his three goons, Matthew, Mirlo and Nosh. Together, they forge the necessary evidence to implicate Balk, including the disposal of the body of Lynette's former secretary and lover, ImmaGleek, whom he'd kept frozen in his office all along. When Rena and company catch wind that he raped Lady, they attack Lynette, who is ultimately saved by his mother. However, as he heals, Lynette throws his mother out, blaming her for everything that has happened to him. He also takes in Rockaboss', Cat5sparkles' dog. Meanwhile, he tries to learn what Regemma is up to, to no avail.
BalkOfFame eventually kills himself, under the pressure of being blamed for crimes he didn't commit, so Lynette takes the opportunity to announce that he is running for President of the Lostpedia. Despite his rivals' attempts to thwart his campaign, he is successful. Americana, meanwhile, proposes to become his new First Lady, which he declines, so she attempts to get back at him. She ties up Lynette, after getting rid of his entire personnel, and sets the template on fire. However, Lady saves her former fiancé, and, in a fit of rage and before the eyes of his neighbors, Lynette pours gasoline over Americana and kicks her onto the fire, setting her ablaze. Rena shoots her before she can bring harm to anyone, and Mary catches it all on tape. Rena tries to divulge said video, but incidentally reveals a clip of Villain fan having sex with his daughter Mary instead.
After having his home burn down, Lynette moves into the Lostpedia's presidential manor, the former home of BOF, and enters into a relationship of sorts with Primadonna Girl, Gleek's ex-wife. Later, Lynette confronts Rena about the possible murder of his daughter, MissMayfair, and deduces that Rena didn't kill her as he thought he had. Upon learning that Villain, however, kept a child's heart in a jar, Lynette jumps to the conclusion that Villain is the one who killed her, so he has a psychotic breakdown and kills Cat in turn, to even the score. Following the horrid murder, Cat's family grieves, and Rena is forced to comfort the people who matter most to him, despite hurting himself. He then decides to stay on wikia to continue fighting Lynettefan. Unbeknownst to him, his former ward, MissMayfair, had been taken in by Villain fan, her grandfather, who finally releases her and kills her in a vicious manner before Lynette's eyes, thus actually evening the score. When the president tries to get back at him by retrieving his treasured shotgun, he falls victim to Regemma's glass contraption that severs his hands, her final act of vengeance on her sister's murder before leaving the lane.