Reach Out

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Reach Out
July 15, 2012
Running time
Production code
Flash sideways
Centric character(s)
Written & Directed by
Also Starring
Special Guest Starring
Archive footage

"Reach Out" is the 19th episode of Wiksteria Lane.

Summary[edit | edit source]

The day of the big wedding approaches, and Lady Junky is feeling more and more anxious by the minute as she prepares to walk down the aisle and marry a murderer. Meanwhile, Jdg98 grows depressed in his tiny jail cell, and Renaboss does his best to cheer him up, to no avail. Americana gives Lynettefan an ultimatum, and Villain fan is confronted with a shocking surprise...

Plot[edit | edit source]

When I was working so hard to make sure Wiksteria Lane would grow to become a community I'd be proud of, I have to admit I was neglectful in regard to other aspects, other things in life that matter so much but that I unfortunately pushed to the background. Oh, sure, I always made time for my friends. My small pleasures. But knowing now how much I neglected my neighbor JMsapphireZ during a time of great pain, I regret that. I should had been there for him more than I was. Luckily for him, other people were kind enough to do what I didn't.

In a flashback, Jdg98 is seen, yet again, caring for his sick, dying uncle, JMsapphireZ, who is lying on his bed, looking worse than ever before. Jdg tries to convince him to let him take him to the hospital, but Sapphire reminds him that they've had this conversation before, and that he wants to die at home. A male voice is heard saying, "You should listen to the kid, my friend," and uncle and nephew turn their attention to the bedroom's entrance, where Villain fan is standing. Jdg tells their neighbor that he's been trying in vain to get his uncle to listen to him, and Sapphire says going to the hospital won't be of any importance, seeing as how he's gonna die anyway. Vf approaches them and tells his friend he could at least feel somewhat better while dying, and Sapphire says Dr. Sonya will come over later that day with some drugs. Villain asks Jdg to excuse them while they have a talk, and Jdg, somewhat kidding, tells them it's weird how they're always needing privacy. Sapphire tells him to 'get the heck out of Dodge', and Jdg leaves the room, saying he's gonna go to the closest store and get his uncle some fruit. Once he's gone, Villain sits in Jdg's chair and tells Sapphire his bags are packed and he is going to leave very soon. Sapphire asks what this all is about, and Villain tells him he just found out he has another daughter, in Spain. Her name is Mary. Sapphire jokes that Vf gets around, and Vf smiles, and then kisses his dying friend's hand. Sapphire says, "You gotta be honest with me about one thing... who's better? Me... or all them ladies you screw here and there?" Vf says he's never going to answer that. Sapphire chuckles. Villain then says he is sorry he won't be around during his final days, but his daughter is all alone and in need of someone to look after her, seeing as he just found out her mother died shortly after sending him the letter. Sapphire says, "That's okay, I don't give a shit... if you had to take time to look around and see if no one was watching us when we were together... I didn't exactly expect you to sit beside me and hold my hand during all of this." Sapphire coughs, and Vf says he has to go. They kiss one last time, and Villain starts to leave the room. However, he soon turns back to Sapphire and says, "You were better... than most women. Not all. Just... most." Sapphire chuckles again, and Vf leaves.

The thing you have to know about Villain fan is... well, basically his daughter Mary had to get her libido from someone, didn't she? Yes. It was a well known fact that Villain fan liked to get around... with indiscriminate people. But he had only ever actually been in love twice. One of those times, it was with the lover he had to leave behind.

Villain fan is seen sitting inside Dr. Sonya's office, at the local hospital. Sonya, wearing his medical coat, comes in and is surprised to find him there. He asks him how he got in, and Vf says everyone lets a former admin anywhere. Sonya then asks why he's there, to which Vf responds that he wanted to know some details about the passing of their old friend, JMsapphireZ. Dr. asks why he would come to him about that, seeing as how he's a physician, not an oncologist. Villain says, "Yeah, but you're our neighbor, you're our friend. You were there for him, you kept him company. Were you there when he died?" Sonya says, "No, I wasn't. 'Cause no one really knew when he was going to die, of course. I just got a call from the kid telling me his uncle had finally kicked the bucket. That was a sad day... poor boy. It's a good thing our president let him stay on the street, even all alone. Who knew the kind of crap he'd pull?" "Yes," Vf says, "Indeed." Villain is quiet for a while and then says, "Do you think... he hurt a lot? Sapphire, I mean? Before he died?" Dr. Sonya looks at him, quietly, and then says, "Yes. I'm sorry... I wanted to sugarcoat it, but... he refused any medical treatment, save for some drugs I slipped him to help minimize the pain, but... there wasn't much they could have done to help. I'm... fairly positive he must've been in agonizing pain at some point before he croaked." Vf looks disheartened. Sonya says, "I had no idea the two of you had been close." Villain is quiet for a while and then says, "Yeah... no one did." He then gets up and leaves.

Over at the local church, situated right outside of the main street, QuinnQuinn is giving the not-so-blushing bride-to-be, Lady Junky, a tour around the premises. The center aisle has been covered with a red carpet, the benches have all been decorated with pink and white flowers, the altar has been laced with fine strings of melted badge gold, and a huge screen has been put on top of it for the people in the back to get a nicer glimpse of what is going on at the front. Lady comments on how she never realized how big the church really was, and Quinn says, "Hence why I thought of the giant screen. Ain't I a genius? So, where's your handsome fiancé?" Lady says he had to make some very important phone calls to some very important future guests. Lady looks somewhat sad. Quinn tells her, "Hey, hon, turn that frown upside down. You know he's a busy, busy man. Heck, he's the president of a wiki with over 200 members in it. It's expected." Lady says that's not why she's upset. Quinn asks what the real problem is then, but Lady's silence makes her change the subjet. "Well," she says, "I think it is high time for me to say the following: I am effing proud of my work. This is turning out to be the best wedding I have ever planned. Wait till you see where we'll be having the reception." Lady says, none too enthusiastically, "Awesome..."

Renaboss enters the Moderation Station, bringing with him a bagged hot meal, some coffee in a thermos, and donuts from a local bakery. He tells young Jdg98 that he's brought him lunch, and Jdg, looking very depressed inside his little jail cell, now decorated with some extra things, doesn't respond. Rena asks if everything is okay with him, and his friend tells him, "I... am still here. Inside this cell. What do you think?" Rena comments on how he at least has a lot more stuff now: a big plasma screen TV for the office (behind Rena's desk), a more comfortable mattress, a big fan in the ceiling, some books, some magazines, plus, Rena brings him food and perks every day. Jdg says he needs to get out of there, or he'll lose his mind. Rena tells him, "You can't. You know you can't. I can't let you out, I can't do anything right now. We are going to... to just play the fricking waiting game. We wait for something to happen that we can use to our advantage against Lynette. In the meantime, I'll keep digging, seeing if I can come up with anything to prove that Americana set you up." Jdg says, "You won't find anything! Those two jerk-asses are experts at this! It's what they do! They screw you over and leave no traces of it!" Rena says, "Yes. I know. We've been through this, Jdg. Lynettefan is a douche. A big, big, huge douche. He is also a fucking evil genius. He screwed you up good. I'm gonna do everything I can to help you, I will. But right now, there's nothing I can do, and your negative attitude and 'pain-in-the-assiness' doesn't help one bit." Jdg is silenced. Rena adds, "I'm sorry about that. Now... you want some noodles or not?".

"God fuck them all to hell!!" Lynettefan2626 shouts, angrily, as he bangs his telephone into its resting position. I luv pll, the maid, enters his office and asks if everything is alright. Lynette tells her the presidents of the other two major wikis are reluctant on whether or not they should attend the wedding, as they "apparently, have other important stuff to do. What the fuck could be more important than my goddamn fucking wedding?" Pll says, "Sorry, mister. And, uh, Miss Americana is here." Americana shows up and passes by the maid, who says, "Also, Mister, we need more Lemon Pledge." Amy says, "HA! Classic..." and sits by Lynette's desk, as Pll leaves them. Lynette, visibly frustrated, asks her what she wants, and Amy says: "Here's the thing. You don't trust me. I know, I get it. I'm a troll. No one can really trust a troll. Therefore, you can't be bothered with putting me in a position of power. Chat Mod, secretary, whatever. Fine, I get it. But I like it here. I like trolling. I like power. And I. Want. More. Like, now." Lynette tells her to get straight to the point, and she does: "Alrighty, then. What I want is something bigger. Whatever made-up position you can give me that puts me above all these schmucks on this wiki. I can't be Chat Mod anymore, cool, whatevs. But this is a wiki. You pretty much make every rule. I'm sure there's something that can be done for me." Lynette says, "You want me... to give you a title? Is that it?" Amy says "Yes. Well, not just a phony-balony title. One that comes with intel, badges, power, recognition, fear instilled upon others, all sorts of good perks." Lynette says, "Look, Amy, I hired you, off the record, to troll. That's it. I gave you badges, a place to stay. Those should have been enough perks. I should have known better than to think you'd get a taste of my sweet life of jerking people around and be professional enough to leave once you're done..." Amy interrupts, saying, "But I'm not done, I still have to go after Rena and Villain." Lynette says, "Please... don't interrupt me. The thing is, Americana, it isn't that I can't trust you because you're a troll... if anything, that's the most valuable aspect of yours, and one that could really be of a lot more help to me." Amy asks, "What is it then?", and Lynette answers, "It's because you're evil... just like me. We're too alike, Amy. One of a kind. You troll. I troll. You lie, I lie. We scheme. We manipulate. We kill... if we have to. I can't have you around because ultimately, well, I just don't need another one of me. I should be enough." Amy says, "Well... the way I see it... and this is merely suggestive, nothing else... maybe.... we can play it one of two ways: you give me power and we reign together and get a sick kick out of it, or you cut me loose, and I direct my professional trolling elsewhere... if you catch my drift." Lynette gives her his trademark evil smirk and says, "I don't take threats lightly, Americana. Not at all." He leans in closer to her, looking pissed, and says, "You are hereby fired. You have two days to leave your template, and to turn in whatever aids I provided you with during this time you worked for me. I am removing your contact from my list and I don't ever want to see you here again. Are we clear?" Amy smiles herself, and says, "Oh, boy... oh man... you just... dude, you just really shouldn't have done that..." She gets up and leaves his office, and Lynette watches her go, looking slightly worried.

Regemma, ImmaGleek's sister, is seen recapping in her PM room, when she hears a knock on her door. She opens it to find Renaboss, who introduces himself as the Chat Moderator of Wiksteria Lane. She asks if she's done something wrong, and he tells her he's simply there as a neighbor, seeing as how he'd heard Imma's sister was in the wiki and he wanted to meet her. Regemma introduces herself as well, and they shake hands. Rena asks if she'll be staying there, in her sister's template, and Reg says she will, for at least one month, because she likes the wiki and her sister's place so much, so she's using it as a bit of a "vacation getaway". Rena expresses his condolences for her sister's death, and Reg asks him if he'd like to come in for some biscuits and tea, which Rena accepts.
Some time later, the two of them are sitting in the living room, snacking, drinking and talking, and Regemma gets straight to business, by asking him, "So... given that the chit-chat portion of our conversation has been dealt with, can you please explain to me why it is that both you and that French blonde lady I first met when I got here tell me my sister has died, when every other neighbor has asked me how her trip to Italy is going?" Rena smiles and says, "Oh, well... you see, your sister was murdered, and our president thought it better, so as to not alarm the community, to announce that she had simply quit her job and left." Regemma doesn't seem the least bit shocked by the revelation that her sister was killed, and Renaboss comments on this. She says, "Oh, right... well, you see, I was quite close with my sister. She was a horrible person. Everyone always, always hated her. She was funny, though. Just... borderline psychotic. Ya know. So, no, I'm not surprised someone did her in. I expected as much, truth be told." Rena asks if she has any questions, and Regemma asks him what he is basing himself on to tell her Imma was killed. Rena says, "Nothing. At least not... specific." Reg is confused, and Rena explains that, "You see, there is no proof that she was murdered, no evidence whatsoever, and no body can be found anywhere. It's more a hunch than anything else, really." Regemma asks what he plans to do about it, as the Chat Moderator, and he says, "Oh, not much, I gather. You see, the man who killed your sister is the president. I work for him. So, yeah." Regemma stares at him silently for a while, and then breaks off her own silence by saying, with a smile, "More tea?" Rena nods affirmatively.

Villain fan has three tuxedos laid out on his bed and he's checking them all out. Lady Junky enters his bedroom, looking very nervous, and begs her father to save her. Villain calms her down, sits her down on the bed and asks her what she means. Lady says, "Lynette... is horrible, papa. I am so afraid of him. If you see... what he has did... I am so, so scared. I don't want to marry him, not more. I want to stop out." Vf says, "Honey... I am so, so sorry I ever put you up to this in the first place. I really am." Lady tears up and sobs, but then he adds, "But we're too far in to give up right now. Whatever it is that he did, I'm sure he'll never harm you, just so long as he thinks that you love him. So you keep him thinking that, okay, sug? I know you can do that." Lady says, practically shrieking, "No, daddy, you don't understand, he is a killer!" Vf says, "Oh, honey... I knew that. I mean, I saw it coming. He's a ruthless, vile snake." Lady says, "He killed Imma! And now my sister is in her position, he could kill her too!" Vf says, "Oh, honey, please... he's not gonna kill his sister-in-law. Besides, Mary is harmless to him." Lady is horrified at her father's incapability of helping her. "So... you do nothing?" Vf says, "I am doing something, dear. I'm gonna get that son of a bitch dethroned. And destroyed. You'll see. Don't you trust me?" Lady is quiet for some time, and then says, "No, papa... I really, really don't." She starts getting out of the bedroom and he stops her by saying, "Look, honey... I am so sorry for all of this. I really am, truly. But... I don't want you to disappoint me. Okay? I don't want you to do anything to ruin this marriage. You are gonna go through with it, or I will be very, very angry with you. Do you understand?" Lady, teary-eyed, doesn't say anything, simply leaves, completely horrified.

Renaboss enters the Moderation Station again, bringing with him some beers, saying, "Hey, I know you're too young to drink beer, but I figured, what harm can it do..." He is stopped mid-sentence by the horrifying sight of his young friend hung from the fan of the cell, with the blanket tied around his neck, eyes closed, just dangling there. Rena rushes to unlock the cell's sliding door and proceeds to cut down the blanket with his pocket knife and lay Jdg's body on his bed. Rena, in a state of shock and about to cry, performs CPR on his young friend, and after several attempts is finally able to bring him back to life, as Jdg gasps for air and coughs a lot. Rena is relieved and then asks him, quite emotionally, what was going through his mind. Jdg says, between breaths, that his life is over, Lynette is never going to let him out of his cell, even though he did nothing wrong, and there's no point in even trying to fight him because he will always win. Rena becomes incredibly frustrated, and Jdg says, "You should have let me hang there... you shoulda..." Rena backs away from him and sits down at his desk, giving in to his tears.

Lynettefan2626 comes over to Regemma, who's editing her front yard, and says, "Wow... you do look so much like her." Reg is confused, and Lynette says, "I'm sorry, I'm... I'm Lynettefan2626, the president of Wiksteria Lane. I live over there, in the big blue template... I'm sorry I didn't come by sooner. I knew from your sister herself that the two of you looked very much alike and honestly, seeing as how I am still grieving from her passing, I figured it would be too... painful. You know?" Regemma smiles and says, "I completely understand, Mr. President. It must be a horrifying experience to be confronted with the exact same face of the woman you killed." Lynette's expression changes when he hears this, and asks her what she is talking about. Regemma simply says, "Oh, I, I know you killed my sister. It was, um... whispered to me by the wind." Lynette says, "I don't know who would dare to tell you such a thing, but it is an atrocious, horrid lie." Regemma smiles and says, "We don't... we don't have much to talk about, you and me. I appreciate you coming over. But I think you should go now, Mr. President." Lynette asks her if she really believes her sister was murdered, and Reg says, "I have believed that from the moment I got confirmation that she was dead. You see, my theory is, my snoopy sister somehow made her way to some info she shouldn't have gotten access to, and you did her in." Lynette says, "I... am not a killer. You don't even know me, how could you think that?" Regemma says, "Good evening, Mr. President," and heads back into the template. Lynette is mute with surprise. He turns around and starts leaving, clearly disgruntled at the amount of crap he's taken from other people that day, and mutters, "What is wrong with these people today? No respect for their superiors whatsoever..."

I have found out that, in life, we should do as much reaching out to others as we possibly can, before it gets too late. This works in two ways, obviously. Either we reach out to help, or we reach out for help.

Villain fan enters the Moderation Station and finds a weeping Jdg98. Vf asks him what's wrong and Jdg wipes his tears and says, meekly, "Nothing...". Vf says, "Alright, then. I came here to... to finally offer you my condolences regarding your uncle." A confused Jdg says, "Okay..." "You see," Villain tells him, "We were... quite close. Good friends, in the short time we knew each other. I was unfortunate enough to not be able to be here during his time of need, of pain, and I was impolite enough to not have expressed my regrets to you as soon as I moved back in." Jdg says, "Well, thanks... and... I don't mean to be rude, but... I'd like to be alone, so..." Vf says, "Of course. I-I am sorry I bothered you. It must be... positively horrible to be... here. There." Jdg says, "You think?", with a bit of an attitude. Villain says, "I am terribly sorry about... all of this. Hopefully, you'll be out sooner than everyone thinks. Even you." Jdg doesn't reply. Villain adds, "This has been quite a horrible year for you, I see... your uncle dying by your side... being jailed for something you claim not to have done..." Jdg says, "I... well, my uncle died when I wasn't home, actually... so I never even saw him dead or anything." Villain is confused. "I thought... he died under your care." "Well," says the young man, "Kinda. I mean... I was at the store. Getting him stuff, I forgot what... Dr. Sonya was with him when he passed. He told me he fell asleep and didn't wake up, and that it was painless. Thank God." Villain is very confused.

For you see, there is always something to gain when you reach out to others. Be it the personal pleasure of helping one in need, be it the acquisition of something that could be of value to you. Even if it is simply the plain truth.

Villain says, "Well, I... I'll leave you then. Have a good one." He leaves the station.

Soon enough, Villain fan would find out that Dr. Sonya murdered his good friend. Surely that falls into one of the aforementioned categories.

As Villain leaves, Renaboss enters the station and greets him casually. He makes his way to Jdg, and says, "I don't want to... to go about my life wondering when and if you will ever attempt what you did today again. I can't, it's... nerve-racking." Jdg says he's sorry he had to put him through that. Rena says, "And I... I won't. I can't do it. I can't... keep you locked up here on technicalities when I know that you didn't do anything. It's just unfair."

Yes. It is very important, and can be very eye-opening, to reach out to others. Come to their rescue. Or let them save us instead. Sometimes it's all we can do. And all we need to do.

Jdg asks where he is going with this, and Rena takes out his keys and unlocks the sliding door. Jdg is surprised. Rena says, "Go. Get... away from here. Don't let anyone see you, just leave." Jdg asks, "What about you?" "I'll be fine, I'll... I'll find a way. I'm gonna make them pay. Trust me." Rena gives him a fair amount of badges, and Jdg runs past him and at the door, and turns back to his friend, looking somewhat hopeless. Rena says, "...Don't come back." Jdg opens the door, makes sure no one is looking, and leaves. Rena watches as he goes. He then drops the keychain to the floor, and takes out one of Jdg's biggest, heaviest books from his newly-installed bookcase and hits himself over the forehead with the lower corner of it, with as much strength as he can. His skin is slightly ripped and a stream of blood comes out. He sits on the floor, smears the blood a bit to look as though he tried to wipe it, and counts to 50. He then gives Lynettefan a call...

Trivia[edit | edit source]

  • The working title of this episode was "The Truth Fucking Hurts"; it was to be the first episode to feature a curse word in its title.